Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Catching Up...

The last couple of weeks have been CRAZY!! thought I would catch you up on a few happenings at our house....

The weather has been perfect for the boys to put on grubby clothes and play in the woods.

They have been busy building "houses" and bridges in the water-free ravine by our driveway.

On chilly mornings, Moose wants to go out, but prefers to lay in the garage on a warm blanket and watch the outside form the inside!

Jack had three front teeth...(ew)

and lost two of them, in one weekend! (thank goodness!)

Sam practiced guitar...

Moose has discovered the bridge by our house and has enjoyed adventuring across it and exploring on the other side (darn her!).  Two days in a row she brought me a bone...with meat on it. (gag) The only thing I kept thinking was that there is more where that came from!  Check back tomorrow for some more catching up photos!!

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