Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sad Sunday...

Sunday was "one of those days."
The Vikings got beat. Sam's team got beat.  Jack's team got beat.
 It just wasn't a good day for football.

The only "really" exciting thing on Sunday was that Sam got to be the captain of the team!
(We also discovered that when Sam is nervous, he plays with his mouth piece!)

He had some good blocks...

My dad asked me if I ever took pictures of the "not so good things." 
Yea...but who wants to share those?
Then I decided after a day like Sunday...why not "share it all!" So here we go...

Sam did some holding....

He was double teamed successfully...

He missed a tackle...the other team scored...
and he spent some time on the ground.
There...now you have seen the good and the bad.
 Boy, that felt good.  Yea. Not so much. 

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