Thursday, September 20, 2012


Last Saturday...late afternoon...we headed to Ames for a little tailgating (with fun and fabulous friends!!) before heading to the football game.

 The weather was absolutely perfect for the festivities!!
For this picture, I had to take advantage of the tailgating background, but unfortunately, the boys were looking directly into the sun.  Our friends car is directly to the right of Jack's hat...the perfect spot...straight down the hill!

When jack saw the tailgating parking lot, he asked, "IS THIS THE IOWA STATE FAIR?"

Jack LOVED tailgating!  The band went right by us!!

A rare family photo...May have to use this as our Christmas card!
Jack is a bit "ruffled" He was busy running up and down the hill and camouflaging himself!

In the stadium, we sat on the hill in the SW corner.  I LOVE the beginning of ISU games...the tornado sirens are going off (because of the Iowa State CYCLONES) and great PUMP YOU UP music!!! Sam even shared with me why the team is the" cyclones"...random bit of information (just like his daddy!) and I have forgotten why...will have to ask him again!

Jack was a bit concerned about the tornado sirens....

You get to watch Paul Rhoades and the team walk from the locker room to the field on the Jumbo tron. LOVE THAT!!! ("The jumbo tron at this stadium is 100% bigger and better than the one at the Vikes games," Jas points out each time.)

The stadium was PACKED!!!

Since we were siting towards the bottom of the hill, it was quite steep.  Jack enjoyed sliding down the towel for entertainment.

Sam and Jack attempting to get some jumbo tron time by flexing their huge muscles!!!

Sam and his friend spent some time down by the fence watching the was just like they were on the field!!

Once again, the band stood right in front of us and played.  Jack was super excited!! He asked if I had a pen so he could get some autographs!!

It was a perfect evening AND the Cyclones won!!
Jack, as well as we all did, had a fabulous time!

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