Friday, September 28, 2012

Diggin in the Garden...

The other evening, the boys headed to a friend's garden to dig and pick some veggies!

Who poses on a compost pile...better yet, who ASKS my boys to pose on a compost pile???

Sam digging up some carrots!

Then Jack's turn.

The boys first successful dig! the hats where provided by the master gardener himself.

Jack's dig...these carrots are HUGE!!

They brought home ALL these carrots..lucky us! But, they weren't done yet...

Next, the kiddos picked ones, red doesn't matter!

Pick, pick, pick and pick.  All these came home with the boys, too!!

After all the "picking"  they had to visit the garden mascot! 
The boys loved every minute of their visit to the garden! the way, does anyone need some carrots or tomatoes??

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