Wednesday, August 29, 2012


At the store, we are focusing on Halloween and Christmas!  I KNOW!! By the time Halloween and Christmas have arrived, I am so done with the holidays!!

Anyway, this weekend,, while the boys were away playing,  I created a Halloween Spell book.  I got the idea from Kellie, who works at Memory Bound, and ran with it. The "spells" in the book are actually Halloween recipes! Fun idea!!
I bought an old novel at Goodwill for 99 cents and "junked" or decorated it...Halloween style!

I tore, burned, punched, stapled and taped pages. (sound like a fight!)

I used the Halloween collections from Carta Bella and Echo Park. Both collections have tons of little elements and stickers that made this book super easy to create!

I knew I wouldn't be able to do the entire 200 some pages for the book so I tied I decided to tie 30-40 pages together at a time by punching holes with my corp-a-dile and then tying them with ribbon or twine.  I actually tore a chunk of pages out for this section, and then stapled the torn pages together.  On the back side, the backs of the staples showed, so I covered them with Washi tape.


For this section, I tore out pages, folded journaling cards and glued them into the book on each side.

Some pages I would staple together, but fold over the corner and stick recipes between the pages. (Hard to see, but that's what I did in the lower right corner.  I put in recipes from the Internet and from magazines. (No I haven't tried them all!)

This is what the side of the book looks like...nothing better then the look of a junked up book to make me happy!!

I have gotten "into" making these banner type table displays after seeing some at CHA in July.

I had plenty of "leftovers" from the collections I used for my Spell book to make a creepy display.

Hope you have a Happy's way too early for that!!

(Oh..a can find all the collections (and ribbons and punches) at Memory Bound!)

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