Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last Day at the Dells...

We woke up on our last morning of vacation and it was raining. 

Good excuse to lay around and watch TV in bed (and eat yogurts in bed, too!)

Watching the rain from our deck.

Rain didn't stop our water park fun...we just went to the indoor parks!

A favorite thing for the boys was to drive around these water bumper cars! 

The sun came out in the afternoon, so we headed out back outdoors.

Sam doing somersaults in the water.

jack swims around and scares other swimmers with his shark move.

and, of course, Jason couldn't be out done so pulled a synchronized swim move...check out those toes!!

The boys loved the water parks and wanted to continue swimming...
But, they were also tired of swimming and water parks...it's a lot of water time in four days!!

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