Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Minneapolis Trip Part One...

The other weekend my sister, mom and i decided to take a spontaneous trip, with the boys, to Minneapolis and go to the Mall of America and ride rides at the amusement park. It made so much sense to drive 4 hours to an indoor amusement park then 20 minutes to Adventureland and deal with the heat!!

Jack and Sam watched a movie on the way up...Jack was really "tucked" into his pillow!!

Megan and Jack getting ready to ride our favorite roller coater.

Can you tell how much I love roller coasters?

A new attraction...a four story slide!  You have to walk to the top!! The boys loved the slide, but walking up wasn't the best! ( so like their mother!)

Thank goodness Megan went with us.  She rode all the rides that I don't like to ride, which is basically 90% of them.  Here they are getting ready to ride the log ride...I think Sam is telling Meg that everything will be all right.

Here the boys are getting ready to ride a roller coaster where the seat actually spins in circles while going up and down the hills.  Meg wanted to go with them, but the boys told her they would like to go by themselves this time.  She was so bummed! Dissed by her nephews!

Meg and Sam did ride the Rock Bottom Plunge!  This roller coaster goes straight up and straight down, spins in two loops and then a corkscrew.  Megan remembers going up, but once they went down, she blanked out!

Right after riding...Sam whispered to me, "Aunt said a lot of swear words on that ride!"

Another new attraction.  The ninja basically is an arm which spins in a circle around the post. It swoops down and then swoop s up (almost to the top of the mall.) You can control the individual rocking of your chair with the wings on either side of you, which takes a little bit of muscle. (Megan didn't ride this one!)

Jack looked so little as he got ready to ride the Ninja..."OH MY BABY!!!"

Sam was all into this ride...See how you can control the wings on each side?

Jack told me he didn't realize the ride went so high. He went on to share how he just kept telling himself, "Only one more time around, only one more time around." 

We ended the evening eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Chevy's.  That was the read reason we headed to the Mall of's all about the food!!

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