Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Family Party...

The night before Jack's "real" birthday, the family got together to celebrate!

We started the celebration and our favorite Mexican restaurant, Cazador's.  The boys always want to go here - just for the sombrero!

When we got home, the family was there, so it was time to OPEN PRESENTS!!!!

(On the back of Sam' Lego shirt he wanted "security" in case anyone got out of line!)

Moose, who is always so calm, was out of control!!  She kept trying to jump into Jack's lap and then would grab wrapping paper and tear it apart!  She has never acted like this way...unfortunately, she ended up outside (I guess she got a time out.) She stood by the window and barked and barked!!  What a character!

No birthday is official until he gets a Monkey!

Aunt got him a fancy hat and sweet tie!

He didn't have his Lego cake until the following day, so we put his little guy on the cake!

Another successful family birthday!

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