Friday, June 29, 2012

Scrappin' Ideas...

One of my favorite daily web sites is write click scrapbook.  The other day, they posted an entire list of journaling ideas, photo ideas and scrapbook pages ideas! I have "cut and pasted" the list below. In order to see examples, you will need to visit the web site, which I linked above,  click on the name at the end and enjoy the sample!  Love this!!!

Last month, as we walked through the gallery, we put together lists of page starters, prompts, or ideas, separated by our three site themes, write, click, and scrapbook. We thought it was helpful to re-examine the layouts with a different perspective (and fun, too!). Did you agree? We hope so, because we are doing it again!
This month, we are going to start with journaling. Without further ado, here are 25 stories to write:
  1. a time we changed a tradition (Christa)
  2. the story of our pet coming to our home (Celeste)
  3. a snapshot of my day told in words (Donna)
  4. if I were a pet, I would... (Lisa)
  5. document a family first (Paula)
  6. how I celebrated my birthdays as a child (Deb)
  7. how has your style changed over the years (Kelly)
  8. how you prepare your home for visitors (Valerie)
  9. a scaled back celebration (Francine)
  10. the favorite beverage in your home (Diane)
  11. when I was small, I loved to pretend that... (Vivian)
  12. document a ritual that you have in your home (Keshet)
  13. what it means to you to have a sibling (Monika)
  14. record something that is ending (Kathy)
  15. how do you feel about your children right now (Teka)
  16. tell of a family trait that you inherited (Marie)
  17. make a list of things you would like to do this summer (Lisa)
  18. use one word to capture your child's personality (Sarah)
  19. list 5 things that describe each member of your family, right now (Emily)
  20. something that made me happy today was... (Katrina)
  21. your favorite mode of transportation (Erin)
  22. something that changed between last year and this (Amy)
  23. I witnessed a miracle when... (Emily)
  24. how you feel when all your kids are getting along (Marnie)
  25. a new family tradition (Karen)

Moving on to photos... Here are 25 photos you could consider taking so that you don't end up with the same photos day after day.
  1. your child at play from the backside. be sure to include some of the surroundings. (Christa)
  2. headshot of your favorite pet (Celeste)
  3. a snapshot of my day told in photos (Donna)
  4. soaking up the sunshine (Lisa)
  5. the food you ate at a summer event (Paula)
  6. a summer beverage (Deb)
  7. a cute outfit (Kelly)
  8. a child practicing a skill (Valerie)
  9. a photo mid-action (Francine)
  10. your family eating breakfast (Diane)
  11. a field trip photo (Vivian)
  12. you wearing your favorite top (Keshet)
  13. your family just being together (Monika)
  14. a final event (Kathy)
  15. a selfie with someone you love (Teka)
  16. someone resting (Marie)
  17. an usual pose (Sarah)
  18. a coordinated clothing photo (Emily)
  19. something you know you will miss in five years (Katrina)
  20. photograhic evidence of the reason you are tired (Erin)
  21. a person-less photo that helps tell the story (Amy)
  22. freshen your makeup and do a selfie! right now! (Emily)
  23. your people in the back of your car (Marnie)
  24. your table (Karen)

Lastly, our gallery is filled with great design. Here are some tips and ideas to try to keep your pages fresh!
  1. trend alert: rulers and measuring tape (Christa)
  2. try cutting your title out of some patterned paper and using the negative (Celeste)
  3. use your favorite stamp (Donna)
  4. use the same patterned paper in two places, but in different proportions (Lisa)
  5. frame out your photos (Paula)
  6. repeat your elements in three places on your layout, creating a visual triangle (Deb)
  7. create a focal point on your photo without cropping it (Kelly)
  8. add small embellishments that help tell your story (Valerie)
  9. try layering your photo mattes, tipping each layer slightly askew (Francine)
  10. paint your letter stickers (Diane)
  11. layer your letter stickers onto your photo (Vivian)
  12. use a circle garland to help lead you into the focal point of your photo (Keshet)
  13. get out your label maker and put it to use! (Monika)
  14. trim your photo to an unusual size (Kathy)
  15. trend alert: wooden embellies and people chains (Teka)
  16. use your washi tape for journaling strips (Marie)
  17. create a border with 7 scraps of paper (Lisa)
  18. create a triangle mosaic (Sarah)
  19. create a mirror image layout (top to bottom or side to side) (Emily)
  20. create a layered embellishment collage (Katrina)
  21. rounded corners are still in. have fun! (Erin)
  22. use three patterned papers of varying colors, but with similar scale and cut to similar sizes (Amy)
  23. trend prediction: quatre foil is the next big graphic (Alexandra)
  24. use a number in your title (Emily)
  25. use a long descriptive title (Marnie)
  26. embrace some white space (Karen)
So many great ideas!

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