Saturday, June 23, 2012

#901: All Dressed Up...

So did you hear my HUGE sigh of relief  about 9:30 last night?  I finally figured out what was going on with my blogging and photo storage.  I use Picasa for my photo storage and editing.  I learned that you get 1GB storage for free.  Once you have filled 1 GB of storage, you have to purchase more space.  Granted, there are ways to upload your photos so they won't count towards your 1 GB...such as loading them at 800 pixels, but the photos would be grainy for printing.  I thought of starting a new Picasa web folder, but then I worried that I would lose all my photos and they would be deleted off my blog...what if I started a new blog...UGH!!!  NO WAY!!!  So, finally, I bit the bullet and purchased more storage space...which I really didn't want to do, but  I was so happy, because, as you can tell, I AM BACK ON!! YE HA!

With all my research (and two days of upset, I now understand why you get so stressed!) I learned that I have 900 posts on my blog. So, this is my 901st post!!  I thought I would share us dressed up for the 901st posting!!

Here's my mom with two very sharped dressed men. 

Jack wore a tie in celebration of my blog working again (I actually think it is for my mom and sister's b-day!)

"Mom, Grandpa really liked my tie...he tried to take it from me!"

Trying to shot from a different angle. "What long legs you have, Sam! Did you get those from your mother?"

Remember the St. Patty's Day outfits and had to have it hat?  It resurfaced for Father's Day (as did the tie!)

I hope I didn't lose too many readers the past few days!! Thanks to those who have hung in there with me during these trying times!!

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