Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Perfect Day for Football...

A perfect day for football...if you like rain and mud!
 Which Sam and his buddy think is perfect football weather!

Sam is participating in i9 flag football this spring.  This leagues message is all about having fun. Even at the coaches meeting, they stressed the's not about's all about having fun. I love that!!

What was so awesome (not just the rain an mud) was that the players all got to play a position that they have always wanted to, but weren't able to in other leagues.  Sam is number 30 and got to snap the ball a few times. His friend has always wanted to be QB and was able to do that on this day, also! 

The two of them were so excited about playing different positions!

Oh...guess who the coach is...Mr. Jason!  I love the red shirt so i can spot him from far away...I didn't get out of the car, that is why these pictures have a foggy look.  I would wait until the wipers cleared the windshield and then snap a photo!

I happened to get this photo of Sam catching this ball...he was super excited! 
That night i asked Sam if he enjoyed playing..."It was AWESOME!  We all had so much fun together!"
And that, we must remember, is what it is all about!

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