Friday, May 18, 2012

More Birthday Moments...

Thought I would share a few candid shots of the birthday party...

My sister was in charge of getting the grandparents properly lines up.  She must have been very strict in her mom didn't put the balloons down to hug Sam and then others are still in their spots holding up their signs!!

Aunt brought Sam some awesome "10'balloons.  Jack was in charge of holding the balloons.
Where's Jack?

Can you spot Jack peeking through the one and the zero?

He decided to be a bit more obvious on this photo!

Our other surprise guests started to arrive after pizza. Sam was again surprised and so happy!!

More surprise guests!!  As you can see the boys are all Dodger fans!! (heehee)

Jack photo bombing in the background.  Way too much sugar for that little man!

Jack pulled up a chair to watch Sam open gifts...he slowly got closer...

and closer!!

A group photo of all the amazing people that helped pull off one AWESOME surprise party!!

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