Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Phone Photos 3...

Working on re-posting phone photos 2, so I thought I would share phone photos 3.  Told you we had a lot saved on our phones!

each year Sam and Jason head up to Minneapolis for a "guys" weekend. The weekend always includes a Vikings game.  I need to get a Vikings scrapbook done about these weekends..or should I say, I should get one started!

Jack and Cy at Scheel's.

Sam got a skateboard for his birthday...last year!

This is Jack jumping off the diving board at the pool for the first time.  Thank goodness I WASN"T there..i would have been too freaked out!  I was sure proud of him and he was of himself!

There is NO WAY I would have let this one happened!  Jack is going off the HIGH dive! UGH!!

This rarely happens...that both boys fall asleep in the car.  After a night ISU game, the boys were sacked out by the time we got home. 

The boys and Jason went to see Star Wars: the Phantom Menace in 3D. This was at the movie theater.  You can't see Jack, because he was too short to get his head in the hole!

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