Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Phone Photos...

Jason and i finally  figured out how to get the photos off our phones..thought I would share some pics from the past two years!

Jack "watching" one of Sam's football games in the rain.

Jason and i at the band "gear daddies." I am squinting because the flash was extremely bright!!

Jack and I went on a date to a Chinese restaurant. He thought they had the best water ever!

Jason and I at Bon Jovi!

The "kiddos" at the park.

Check out Jack's hickey mustache.  While at a Cubs game, he sucked a Gatorade bottle to his mouth and it left this nice mark for the rest of our vacation!

My little Jack Sparrows.

Jack checking out the snake that I killed with the lawn mower which lead to the saying, "That is bloody hell nasty, mom!"

When Moose's friend Esther comes to stay, they follow the boys around endlessly!

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