Tuesday, March 6, 2012

February "Leftovers"...

A few pictures from February that didn't make the blog this month...

Jack doing the robot after watching the movie "Real Steel."

Both boys dancing to the credits of a movie.

The owners of Memory Bound took all of the staff to Sweet Binney's to learn how to make croissants and bear claws.  AMAZINGLY good!! This was my table group!

My completed pastries. Don't worry...none of them were left to become stale.

Jack playing the ipad after waking up from a snooze in the car.

Jack finished up basketball and had a rewards ceremony at DQ.  Here he is receiving his BB award...

Jack was the Most Improved Player.  Yea, Jack!!!

Sammy at the awards ceremony...he looks so grown up! 

Oh Moose...you closed your eyes in the picture!! Just like my sister does in every picture!

Jack all spiffed up for a day of school.

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