Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dinner at Ohana...

For my birthday, we headed to Ohana's a Japanese Steak house.  One of my favorite places to eat. The little guys had not eaten here before and Jas and I were excited for them to see the "show" that the chef puts on.  We weren't disappointed.  They both loved every minute of it!!

A picture of my boys all dressed up.  They look so handsome!  Jack even wore his best cap (not a green one with a 7!)

Our friends joined us for the celebration. (what is up with my long neck??)

Love that everyone is looking at the camera AND smiling! 

This is the card Jack made says, "I love you sock mommy!"  ahhh*sigh*ahhh

This was Sam's card.  It was titled "A Day Scrapbooking." The cartoon says:
Me: What are you working on?
the other SBer: A heritage album.
Me: Same here!
SB: How far have you gotten?
Me: 3 pages!
SB: I've gotten 6 pages done since the 1970's!
Me: Well, that explains the hippie hair band!

Isn't that hilarious!!!

Here is our group picture at Ohana with our chef. ( I had to take a picture of the picture!)  We all yelled "Bonsai!" instead of cheese, that is why Jas's mouth is opened!  Jack must have been checking out what the table next to us was up to! It was a great night out!

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