Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SuperBowl Sunday...

Ready for some football??

On Sunday, Sam spent the afternoon at a friend's house, so Jack busied himself with getting ready for the Super Bowl.

He created a big Super Bowl welcome sign for our guests.  He took great care in picking out the correct size of sticks that would be perfect in holding his sign.

Jack was rooting for the Giants, so he whipped himself up a t-shirt with the Giants Helmet.  He also covered the cubs "c" on his hat with the Giants logo.

As you can see, he was busy with other signs...NFL, Fottball (football) and Giants vs. Patriots.

When friends started to show up, they first had to answer 15 questions about the game and then pick a Super Bowl bingo card! Bingo was intense...we had to watch the TV closely to mark off items on our Bingo cards.  None of us left the room during the game or during the commercials the entire first quarter. We didn't want to miss the opportunity of getting Bingo. We didn't even talk much!  Jason was in the other room cooking up some amazing chili during most of the first quarter.  He walks into the room...5 minutes later, he yells , "BINGO!"  Seriously???

Sam did a great job with answering his questions.
Some of the questions were:
Which team would call time out first?
What would the first score be..touchdown or field goal (a safety never came to mind!)
What team would win the Super Bowl?
 Sam actually won with the most answers correct!

A little half time photo of some of our guests!!

Towards the end of the game, Jack was busy on the I-Pad...
"What are you looking up, Jack?"
"Hollywood on google earth."
I think he was trying to check out Tom Brady's house!!

1 comment:

  1. haha I love it! So much fun was had at your house!

