Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscar Night...

If you didn't know, the Oscars were last night. Jason loves movies and has converted me into a movie lover, too.  So Oscar Night is one of our favorite nights of the year. Jason and I were quite proud of ourselves to get seven of the nine nominated movies watched this year...that hasn't happen since "before kids."

Jason and I use to "do it up more" on this night, before we had kids..such as going over to friends houses, Jason dressing up, movie ballots...etc. Some things have changed, but we do still celebrate the night. Last night we had Hawaiian chicken in honor of the movie "The Descendants."  The boys had hot dogs for the movie "Moneyball" and dessert was vanilla ice-cream with hot chocolate in honor of the black and white movie 'The Artist." 

An exciting addition to the night was Sam!  He filled out his own Oscar ballot and watched the show with us for the first time.  (Maybe it was for "The Artist" sundaes.)  He had fun...he heckled the announcement of best make up being the Iron Lady instead of Harry Potter. "They only had to do one lady...Harry Potter had so many different monsters and creatures. Characters didn't have noses and others had huge ears!" 
Sam filling out his Oscar ballot.

An Artist sundae.
One nomination we were all rooting for was "Man or Muppet" to win best song. We all hold a special place in our heart for those darn muppets!   If you would like to enjoy the it below. The best part is when Walter, the little dark haired muppet, is singing about being a man or a to see who he would be if he was a man...not a muppet.

Jack watching Kermit and Miss Piggy on the those Muppets!
Of course we watched Live from the Red Carpet on all three channels!  Did you catch what Sacha Baron Cohen coming dressed as the "Dictator" and spilling the "ashes" in his urn all over Ryan is one that I am sure they will be talking about today!  How yummy is George Clooney and how awesome is Octavia Spencer?

Hope you enjoyed your night at the movies! 

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