Saturday, January 7, 2012

Treat Jar...

A quick and easy gift for a friend with a pet.

My friend Maggie, made our Moosie May a treat jar!
You can purchasr a jar at your local dollar store or thrift store. Maggie used paper to cover the jar, tied on some embellishments and used sticker letter for the front. Super easy and super cute and fun!

It so darn cute, that it sits on our counter for all to see!!

Speaking of treats..these are the treats that we bought Moose for Christmas. They are in a fun Christmas package...

...and are covered with what looks like white almond bark!

I had the treats on a coffee table in the living room where we were opening gifts on Christmas. My silly sister walked up to the package, picked it up and proceed to toss a treat in her mouth! Yep...she ate it! Yep...I watched her and didn't say a word! She looked at the one that was in her hand and said, "Ew." I started laughing and said, "Megan! Those are DOG treats!" She looked at me and said, "Oh. I thought they were earthy tasting."

1 comment:

  1. Here's a tip: Don't put the pretty dog treats out on the same table with the pretty people treats!

