Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Some Snow Fun...

With "all this snow" the boys have been able to head out after school and blow off some steam!

How can Jack be tan in the middle of the winter?

Moose is lovin' the snow and cold, too.  When the boys head out...so does she!

I am not a fan of the cold or snow...so I am taking these photos from inside the house.  Jack is waving at me.

"OK, i have had enough snow.  Can i come in now. Please."

The "pain" of snow is that I have to wipe off Moose's feet each time she comes in. 
Boy that girl can pack some snow in her paws!! She is so good about it though...she come in, sits down and put up her paw.
Now if the boys could be trained that easily!!

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