Thursday, January 26, 2012

Scrappin" and the Family..

 I have been working on some of my scrap projects that i need to get caught up on. One of the "biggies" was to get the boys school books for THIS year, caught up.  We had a crop at the store the other day and I was able to complete this mission.

I worked on Sam's fourth grade book. It has all the papers and projects he has done or created this year.  He really enjoyed looking through it. *sigh* I now have second grade completed and 4th grade caught up.  Still need to do his kindergarten, first grade and third grade...hmmmm...OH! and add 4th grade photos to this one!

I also was able to get Jack's kindergarten book caught up. Jack loved looking at his book, too. His needs photos added throughout the book and I need to figure out a way to store his larger art work.  I did make photo copies of some of his art, which worked out quite well.  He does have his 3 year old preschool book completed and half of his 4 year old preschool. (uh oh.  I just remembered that I don't have those books done for Sam...UGH!!) 

and Moosie May...when I am busy at my desk "creating" she lays on her blanket by me and naps.  *sigh* I plan on doing a mini book for her with all her different casts from her surgery. I think she will enjoy looking back at that time. :)
I have big plans for lots of books!!

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