Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cheesy Stuffed Noodles...Take 2...

As I shared with you last week, I am expanding my horizons with my cooking.  One of the new recipes that I made last week (actually almost anything I cook, that has more than 3 ingredients and isn't frozen,  will be new recipe to me...) was Cheesy Stuffed Pasta Noodles. I did try this a previous time, but there was a bit of a hitch.

To "prove" that I made the cheesy stuffing myself, I took a picture of the bowl.  I am new at photographing food...so this isn't my best work!

And a picture of the COOKED noodles.  Remember the "hitch" that I mentioned the first time I prepared this dish? 
Well, I served it to the boys and Jason dug right in.  It was EXTREMELY crunchy.  Jason nicely asked, "Katie, did you cook the noodles?"  "Yeeeeessssssss, I cooked the noooooodles."  I told him (duh!! They were in the oven...cooking!)  Of course he had another question, "Did you cook the noodles before you put them in the baking dish?"  Pure silence on my part.  No, I did not cook the noodles BEFORE I put the stuffing in them and cooked them in the oven!  You don't cook the noodles when making lasagna...no wonder I got confused!

And these are my cheesy noodles before going into the oven.  they are much prettier before they go into the oven because once they are cooked, all the cheese runs out into the spaghetti sauce. (Unless you don't cook the noodles before hand and then the dish is a much prettier presentation!) Can you tell which noodles are for Jas and I and which are for the boys? 
This meal was a success and will be eaten again!

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