Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Afternoon in the Woods...Mud...

If you haven't noticed (yea right), the weather here has been amazing...very unseasonably warm and no snow! (At this time, I actually wouldn't mind a huge blizzard, have a few snow days and then it can get warm again!)  Since the weather has been so nice, the boys have been able to spend more time outside and tromping through the woods behind our house.
On this day, Sam had a friend over and they spent the ENTIRE  afternoon exploring the woods.  As you can see, they came back a bit muddy.  Check out Jack's boots!!!

I am glad that I had the boys wear some old clothes...I don't think a good cascade soaking is going to get these stains out!

And...they slid down hills...or rolled as the case with Jack.

Now we are to have a cold spell, so back to crafting, coloring and modge-podging...I am talking about me of course!!

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