Friday, January 20, 2012

The 10th Tooth...

Sam lost his 10th tooth. The story contains blood, chunks and drama.  And of course, no Jason...

Here's the story:
Sam chomped on an cookie and put his fingers in his mouth to check his loose tooth because when he "chomped" he hit the loose tooth.  He pulled out his fingers and they were bloody...oh hell, I thought.  One thing I cannot handle is loose teeth.  Jason always deals with the teeth (and vomit and sickness and...) and he was out of town.

Sam runs to the bathroom (which jack was using at the time!)
"SAM!! I am in here!!!" Jack yells. 
I remain in the kitchen...taking deep breaths. In reality, I want to run through the house screaming and put a pillow over my head so I can't hear what I know is coming...the dreadful (at times) "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!"
So I choose to hold my breath, knelt on the floor and Tebowed.

Then I hear, "OOOHHHH!!"
I found out later this first "call out" was from Sam opening his mouth and seeing his tooth hanging the dreadful and stomach turning...thread. "LET ME SEE LET ME SEE!" I can hear Jack requesting.
Deep breathing on my part.

Again, I hear, "OOHHHHH!"
oh hell.
Then, there it was, "MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!"
Oh hell.  In my head I am already giving myself a pep talk..I can do this I can do this. I CAN do this!  Just pull it with a Kleenex real fast.  Real fast in a fast tugging motion... maybe I can call someone to do it..NO...MOM UP!!

Then Sam came around the corner. His face was red (means his is about to panic..I wonder where he gets that from?) BUT...he has the tooth in his hand!! (inside "yippie!!!")
 Unfortunately, his face and hands were all bloody.
 "Mom, I only pulled half my tooth out!"
Oh great.

Finally I got my "mom-ness" to kick in (the tooth was already job was over!).  I gave him a glass of water to rinse out his mouth, took his tooth and put it in a cup of water. Told him to put a Kleenex in the tooth hole and keep it there until it stops bleeding. I washed his face and hands.  Finally I looked in his mouth... 

See the little tooth on the far right side?  That is the NEW tooth..that was what he thought was the other half of his tooth.

I looked in the glass with his tooth (just to double check that it was all there) and reassured he had gotten the entire tooth out.  He went on to share in EXTREME detail how he pulled his tooth because it was just hanging there by a thread.  Well, I guess the thread was connected pretty well, which caused the "immense" bleeding.  We checked out his tooth and there was a chunk of gum (not the kind you eat) stuck to the tooth. (gag reflex)
 "OH WOW...Jack look at this!"

Deep breaths, I told myself...don't want to go down. Deep breaths...can't pass out...

The next day we had a dentist appointment and they found FOUR loose teeth in BOTH boys! Seriously!!
 It's a good thing that Jason doesn't travel much this month!!

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