Friday, December 23, 2011

A Visit with Santa...

Last week we headed to the mall to visit Santa.

We waited in line...for a long time. Long for not having many people in front of us!! Only two people were running the show...and a slow show that was! Sam wasn't sure if he should go this year...he totally believes, just didn't know if he wanted to "sit on Santa's lap." That could be creepy...

Once we got around the corner and saw that you sit BESIDE Santa, he was good to go. Then he worried about how many gifts he should ask for. He didn't want to seem spoiled or greedy (bless his heart..meanwhile Jack asked for a pen and paper to add to his enormous list..just kidding!)

Sam got right up there and once the kid starts takes awhile for him to stop. He asked for some Legos and a it didn't seem like he just wanted toys! Meanwhile, jack is preparing his speech...I can tell because when he counts, he begins with his thumb!!

Well, Sam had more to say...

...and more to say. I think Santa and jack were starting to fall asleep!!

Love the gigantic tree in the cool!! (yes, Sam is still talking!)

this picture isn't the best because you can't be on the "floor" (the red carpet) and take pictures. So i was far away snapping as many as I possibly could!! thank goodness I did...see story at the end!

And now Jack's turn...

He must have had a lot to share because Santa handed a book to Sam and told him he could start to read to pass some time!! (another joke!)

AND THEN...i asked the lady helper if I could look at the pictures...she looked at me and said, "Oh, I didn't know you wanted me to take any pictures, so I didn't take any pictures of your boys." WHAT??? WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK WE STOOD IN LINE??? I must have looked aghast..because she started talking FAST..."Well, I did take's a candid shot....i love taking those kind...look how the three of them are giggling together...some of these candids are really turning our well this year...blah blah blah..." I looked at Jas, he rolled his eyes and whispered to me, "it will probably be the last time that Sam goes up to see Santa, just get it." (*sob*) I must have had my ninja killer mom look in my eyes and he was trying to keep the peace. So I looked at her and said, "I take it." She printed off while STILL talking fast, "blahblahblahblah..." I was rude, because when she handed it to me, I didn't even say thank you. (shame on me.) And when I looked at it, as I was walking away, I said, "There is dust on the chair." Seriously Katie???...good come mature... You are NOT passive aggressive!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! AND I love all the pictures!!!! What good looking men in your family!!!

