Friday, December 30, 2011

Cousin Christmas...

We had Cousin Christmas this week...the boys really look forward to this day!

The cousins got the boys a deer hunting video game. jack wasn't sure if he was hunting deer or trying to look like a gangster!

Doesn't Sam look like a natural hunter? Look at my sister-in-law in the background.
She is thinking, "Maybe I shouldn't have gotten this game for two city boys!!"

It was all business when it came to shooting deer!

Cousin L. whipped up some deer jerky. The boys and I were a little taken aback with the white stringy things in the raw jerky meat. Reminded me of when the boys say, "I have a loose tooth, but it has a stringy thing holding it in!"

A fun picture of the cousins together...

Oh, Happy Birthday, Cousin Mer!!!

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