Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not a Fun Disney Ride...

I think the picture explains itself...but if you are wondering...
this is the Dinosaur ride.  While waiting to board, you watch a little video explaining how we are about to go get a dinosaur from some cave.  You get in this expedition car thing and take off.  It goes dark and you have no idea what is going to happen. It is like a mini-roller coaster, but your car also shakes side-to-side. Suddenly, LARGE dinosaurs come out of the walls and ROAR at you...several times..and they get pretty darn close!  Then to finish it all up you go through a large asteroid shower.. As you can see, it scared the hooty out of me...and Jack!! Where's is Jack?  He is sitting right beside me..the blue hump, so to say.
 After getting off that one, I knew I could safely say that I wouldn't be riding it again!

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