Monday, November 7, 2011

Moosie May Update...

Moose is doing a little better each day. She as fewer and fewer bad days. remember when the vet took her bandages off for the first time..her foot was curled under...well, they finally figured out what was going on . We have muscles in our body (such as our fingers) that help them flex forward and back. Well, that's how Moose's foot is set up too (imagine that!). When they put the plate on the top of the foot, her "flexers" over compensated and curled her foot under. the best thing for Moose to "loosen-up" the foot is physical therapy...AKA walks! So we continue our short walks, which she enjoys. Her overall recovery is going to take 12-16 weeks...oh my!!  But, the Dr. believes and expects her to run and chase balls again!  I think she realizes that she cannot chase anything..the other day we were walking up our lane (no leash) and a squirrel ran past her. Her ears perked up, but she didn't take after it..thank goodness!!  This week, she is actually putting down her left leg when she "jog."  it's good to see her being herself, again!! Phew!!