Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Lantern in Her Hand...

This book was recommended by a friend, who has read this book several times over.  I would have never picked it up on my own..I am not a fan of reading about the pioneers, westerns and prairie life, but always up for a recommended read! 

The book was written in 1928 and is based on the author's grandmother's life.  It is about Abbie and quite literally, her entire life.  The book begins when Abbie is eight and her family is heading across the prairie to settle in Iowa.  Abbie has dreams of being an elegant lady like her grandmother.  She also wants to sing, paint and draw.  As her life goes on, she marries Will Deal and somewhat unwillingly, moves her entire life to Nebraska.  She puts aside her dream of singing and paintings over and over again for her children. 

The story moves very quickly at the beginning of the book. Four to five years easily pass in two pages.  Just as Abbie's life is moving so quickly for her.  When Abbie is in her 80s the story seems to slow down...just like her life.  

It is not a fast read, but enjoyable.  It's a great reflection on how quickly life passes and what we "give up" so our children can have.   

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