Monday, October 24, 2011

Moosie May...

It has been five weeks since Moose's surgery. She continues to heal and has her good days and bad days....

She has been able to be outside more often and loves it...unfortunately, the deer are easy to spot due to the leaves being off the trees. That is what got us in this mess in the first place!! She is very alert when we are am I!!

You can see that her incision is looking loads better! There is still one spot that needs to heal completely. Look how the swelling has gone down, which is great! That allows her to use that foot more often.

Here she is walking on the pads of her feet! Yea!! A couple of weeks ago, her foot was turned under and that was not good! We go on short 5 minute walks 2-3 times a day. After walks, she is ready to be off her foot...bless her little heart!

See how she runs!! She can go pretty quickly as she holds up that front left foot...part of her adapting to the use of that leg. At times, she will walk quickly without lifting that leg up! Another good thing. She is also starting to do stairs...showing up on the top floor without a sound. Sunday she was laying in Jack's room...he had climbed into bed with us and she couldn't find him...just laid in there waiting for him (*sigh*) or she was scouting out one of his monkeys that she could get a hold of!!

1 comment:

  1. Moosie May, I'm so glad to hear your little paw is getting better each day!!

    Katie- Love the "sigh" I definitely sighed ready it! :)

