Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It Works!!!

To me, this is just too good not to share. Sam comes home each weekend, after his football game, with grass stained pants.

This picture is taken after pre-treating the pants with shout and then washing with bleach..still pretty dirty and stained.

The same with this leg...except it has a nasty grass stain. This is what it STILL looked like after washing!!!

Someone shared with me to soak stained whites in a bucket of Cascade, using the regular dish washing soap (the crystals.) Here are Sam's football pants soaking in the bucket. I really didn't measure the soap or soaked the pants for a specific time. Just winged it.

The FB pants have pads, which made the pants want to float to the top, so I had to weigh them down with a bowl full of water!!
After soaking for a few hours, I dumped all of it in the laundry and washed as usual...

And look at that!! Shiny stains or grass stains! Sam was pretty excited!!!

Sam spilled chocolate pudding down the front of this tee. I had washed it three different times...pre-treating with Shout and then washing with bleach. I had yet to get it out. I soaked it in Cascade, washed as usual and viola! Clean shirt!!
I will definitely be using that magic potion again!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it.... this was also Grandma Rold's recipe for washing grandpa's white hankerchiefs. Only she added bleach so she warned that it was hard on fabric.

    Brought back memories

