Thursday, October 6, 2011

A "Fall" Day...

The leaves at our house are falling fast...

but only in one area...the driveway!!

The boys couldn't wait to make their first leaf pile of the season...right in the middle of the cement driveway. "Would you feel more comfortable is we put my football helmet on, Mom?" That was so sweet of Sam to ask...unfortunate, the helmet was in Jason's car...

Jack kept sneaking in jumps before the pile was officially" Sam" ready!

Sam got a few sneaky jumps in also!

Can't you just hear Sam yell, "JAAAACk!"

It was only time before a leaf fight broke out...

Jack held his own!

Poor Moosie May, she watched all the festivities from the garage. She is still healing... and being a good girl by laying around. You can just tell that she would love to get out and join the fun!

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