Friday, August 26, 2011

swear word, swear word, swear word...

Yesterday, I let Moose out the front door. Moose was standing where the apple is located in my picture. See the large leaf by the bush? When I looked there, a (swear word swear word) SNAKE crawled across the sidewalk. I (swear word) HATE (yes, that strongly) snakes. I literally froze. No, Moose did not go after it...thank goodness because I wouldn't want that imagine in my mind let alone have to deal with that type of dog breath! it was a garter had stripes...dark ones and light ones.  I almost started to cry!

So, if Jason doesn't take care of my plants, they will die because I refuse to go outside in the grass again!
Please pray for a hard freeze to come soon..I am hoping that will take care of the snakes. 

1 comment:

  1. One snake is not a big's the other 4-80 young that a female snake can have in a litter that you should worry about. Garter snakes are born alive, between late July-October. Most litters range from 10-40 and can live in the wild 3-4 years. The jist of this comment...the snake you saw IS NOT ALONE!

