Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Miss Bananas..

About a month ago, Jack's only little girl monkey, Bananas, was "attacked" by Moose.
It was the first (and so far only) stuffed animal that Moose has gotten ahold of. She actually ripped Bananas apart pretty well before I walked in on her and grabbed Bananas. Unfortunately, most of the stuffing was out of Bananas, her head had been removed from her body, one ear had been removed from her head and the back of her head was, well, basically gone...along with the other ear. Jack was very sad...tears and all. He even asked me, "Do you think God will take care of my little girl?" (sniff sniff.)

Well, Nanny-Who-Can-D- Everything (AKA my mom) came over to the rescue. She took Bananas to intensive care (aka: her house.) We are now glad to say, that Bananas is out of intensive care and is back with her Jack-a-Roo!

Banana now has a funky monkey hat (to complete the back of her head!)
Her poor little right hand was also mended...she now has a permanent hang-ten...with her thumb and pinkie.

Her lone ear was able to be saved. She has a big smile on her face, but you are not able to see it due to it now being tucked under her chin! (maybe later she could get a face-lift!)

Here you can see the dramatic scar above her nose, which was ripped wide open. (gruesome, huh!)
Nanny also added a funky banana earring...actually it's added to her cheek because it is not hanging from her lone ear. (heehee)

Jack was very happy for his reunion with Bananas and has been very careful to keep her out of reach of the big red head!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha!Ha! I warned you! This happened to my grandson's bear and I was terrified of what his reaction might be!

