Friday, July 29, 2011


My first thought is, "This isn't right."
My second thought is, "If I was 10, I would BEG my mom to get me a flipper."
And my last thought is, 'Better not show Jack...he would want one ASAP!"

What do you think?

You can check them out here:

PS:  I decided to show Jack the web-site to see if I know him as well as I think I do. 

He looked at the tail and asked if it was a dolphin tail. 
 "Yep," I told him. 
He then said, "If you wear one you would look kind-of silly." 
 "Yep," I said.
"Can you order me one?"

Yep, I still know him well!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that you would have begged to have a flipper. But then you would have had to alternate that with your white go-go boots and your Sarlet O'Hara hoop skirt dress.

