Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chicago Night One...

Going to Chicago last week was one of the best vacations we have taken in some time...maybe because we haven't taken one in sometime! The weather was amazing (70s and no humidity - perfect for me!) and it is such a great city with tons to do...already thinking of heading back!

The first night we spent wandering around...(My dad always tells me to double check my background before taking a picture..oops!)

We ate outside anytime we could...Jack just cannot keep those flip flops on...even at the restaurant table!

What a big burger!!

Hancock Building...rode the elevator to the 96th floor our first night there...it goes a mere 20mph. Poor jack's ears wouldn't pop which made his eyes get very watery...AKA tears.

Those darn boys always get themselves in such positions!

Night sky from the Hancock building...which we thought was the Sears Tower (according to my sister) and then wondered why we could see the Sears Tower from the top of this building!

Jack is trying to look as if he is falling...what a trickster!!
More tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. I always get those two buildings mixed up. you would think i would know the one with the bar in it!

