Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chicago Day 3...

Aren't you glad we were only there for FOUR days!!
On this day, we headed to Shedd Aquarium (from 11:00-4:30!)

The "displays" were amazing! This one was of camouflage cool is that!

The boys were watching the stingrays swim under them on this glass walk out.

Checking out some jelly fish.

In front of the penguin case.

The boys are watching an anaconda EAT A RAT!! The snake wrapped itself around the rat and basically squeezed it to death and then ate it. Nothing like front row seats for that...I HATE snakes and about passed out when I saw this was HUGE!! The boys are down by its head...can you see SOME of the body on the upper still gives me the shivers!

Jelly fish!! Much more my speed...

A small crab...yummy!!

After dinner, we headed back to navy Pier to watch fireworks and ride the Ferris wheel (oh yea) at night.

Jack got a little nervous when getting closer to the Ferris wheel. so his big brother reassured him!

No texting this time!

Jack held on tight to Jason this time...

Wow, dad, you have some big muscles!

Is it over yet...

Only one more day of vacation pictures...and then back to "real" life!

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