Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer T-Shirts...

Last week was the first week of summer that we had nothing going swim lessons, no VBS and no safety town. Unfortunately, some of the days got a bit long (already!) for the boys, so in true parent from, I told them to go find something to do...and they did. They got out some white t-shirts and drew on them with fabric markers...

Jack drew a funky monkey with shading himself under a coconut tree.
 "Oh! I forgot the coconuts!" declared Jack when he was finished.

A monkey pose for a monkey shirt. (As you can see in the background...Moose is not far away!)

Sam drew the vikings hand!

A football pose for his football shirt.

Of course we had to get a picture with Moose...doesn't it look like she has a fancy crown on...actually it's flower in a vase behind her.

Love this picture of the boys with their Moosie...nice flower crown on Sam's head!!

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