Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

I completely spaced off a Father's Day post for yesterday...OOPS!!

So here are a few photos from yesterday...
First we let Jason sleep in - which is a treat at our house! While he was sleeping, we got fraps from Starbucks (ventis!) and some cinnamon swirl coffee cake.
We sat outside and opened gifts. One thing we gave Jason was the new book "River Monsters" (do you watch that on TV?) above the boys are checking out all the pictures in the book..

We then had to get a dad photo...and, which has become par for the course, Moose was included (I just love her...and my boys, too!!)

Happy Father's Day, Jason!!

My dad was driving to Wisconsin on this Father's Day...but we haven't forgotten it was you day, too!
My mature men...

Grandpa's birthday!


My dad with his girls...

Hope your dad had a good day, too!

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