Friday, June 10, 2011

A Hail Storm and a Sleep Over...

Yesterday the boys were really into making forts. They made one in the living room and just as they were getting settled in, a hail storm went through our area....

This is our front walk was solid ice. We had the bright idea of trying to catch some ice cubes...hence the Tupperware.

A good shot of where the hail rolled off the roof and into a pile by my hosta plants...

Jack checking out the ice...Moose thinking it would make a good snack!

Sam ventured out and grabbed and extra large cube....I almost ran to get a ruler so we could send our photo into TV 8!!

Finally, everyone got settled in for the sleepover. It's hard to tell from this angel, but the boys are surrounded by pillows covered with blankets.

I am writing this as they are falling asleep...Jason thinks it has about a 10% chance of working...we have windows in the ceiling in the room (can't remember the name of those darn things!) and they are VERY noisy when it rains...we will see who is up in our room first tonight...

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