Friday, May 20, 2011

An Introduction...

Meet Moose...
Moose is an 83 pound golden retriever.
Her owners had to find her an new home.
Moose is now the newest member our family!
(SERIOUSLY, Katie...after everything that we went though with Alice?)
Yep, she ours and we are completely loving her!
Let me share with you a little about our Moose...
 In the week that she has been with use, we have learned that she always has something in her mouth...a ball or a bone  is preferred. (Doesn't she look like she is smiling!)

We do wear her out and she is more than ready to head to bed by evening. AND she sleeps through the night on her huge bed in our bedroom. (No getting up three times a night to let her out!)

The boys just adore her. Sam often says, "Moose is just the dog for me." Jack told me the other night that he feels safe with Moose at our house. She loves them back just as much. She jogs beside them when they ride their bikes or scooters, chases them when they run around and she follows them everywhere. 

She has got a nose for squirrels...she has "treed" a few, but always comes back.
 She watches the squirrels from our window all morning to see what they are up to...
She absolutely loves to be outside.  Thank goodness the weather has been amazing!  I have been planting flowers and she just sits and watches...I love it!

So the lesson I learned was that puppies are not for me...but a grown dog is perfect for our family!


  1. Awwww, this makes me so happy! :) Congrats on the new addition to your family!

  2. I love it!!! Moose is extremely lucky...a play date is a must!!!

  3. Love these pictures. Moose found a great home! Cheryl

