Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some Quick Reads...

Noticed that I haven't shared what I've read is an update.  All the books are 250 pages or less, so they only took about a week to read...if you need a "quick" read, you may want to check out one of these!

Picked this one up at the is about a man that gets up every morning and goes to a field to pull weeds or "aukowies."  The aukowies grow every day and if they go un-pulled - even for one day, they will "attack" a person. His family has been "in charge" of pulling the weeds for over 300 years and it is a business they all take very seriously.  Sounds corny...but it is written pretty well.  While reading, you are constantly wondering if the guy is crazy, or are these weeds or "auwokies" are really dangerous.  People have accidents in the field, but is it the aukowies or the man that causing the accidents?  You don't find our the answer until the very last page....

In Listen, someone in the town of Marlo is listening and recording people's conversations and then posting them, word for word, on the everyone is finding out what everyone else is saying about makes you think...if you say something unkind about someone (even a friend) is that ok as long as the other person never finds out...
It was a quick read, but I wouldn't run out to buy it....

This one has been my favorite..  It is about a girl, Josey, that lives with an overbearing mother.  Her life is pretty dull and she "brightens" it by eating sweets that she hides in her closet.  One day she goes to her closet and finds bad-girl, Della Lee, hiding in it and refusing to leave.  Della Lee has her do errands for her and Josey starts to discover a life and world outside her mother's reach...there are all sorts of secrets that pop up on her discovery, too.  Parts maybe "corny" but the author writes it like a fairy tale.  I would definitely recommend this book if you need a quick, heart warming book.

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