Monday, March 21, 2011

Pulp Fiction in My House...

The other day we were cleaning up jack's room and "organizing" his monkeys...

I noticed that several of them had band-aids on the backs of their little heads.

Have you ever seen the movie Pulp Fiction?  That movie came to my mind immediately and when seeing these band-aids....

Marcellus Wallis, one of the main characters, has a band-aid on the back of his head through the entire movie.  Supposedly, it is where his soul was taken from him...

So I asked Sam (a reliable source) "Why does Jack have band-aids on the back of his monkey's heads????" I really tried not to sound worried or concerned!  Sam replied, "He doesn't have enough pillows for all his monkeys, so he uses band-aids as little pillows for them." 

Phew!!  I am so glad that Jack has excellent imagination and none of his monkeys are named "Gimp."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is soooo sweet!

    Love & hugs! Gpa & Gma

