Thursday, March 3, 2011

I also include the 12x12 layouts that I've created. I already have a similar picture in a 4x6 insert for that week, but I am not going to worry about removing the picture. I had already written "more of the story" on a 2x3 journal card, so this layout just adds to the story. Even if I had the exact same picture, I would not worry about removing the photo (at this time.) I include the 12x12 layout with the week that it occurred.

When we went sledding, I kept our "tags" from our coats...I really liked the photos we took that day, so I already had it in my head that I was going to scrap a layout of this event.

I must share that have scrapped more in the past month than I have for sometime. I am able to capture our everyday stories with "little" things (receipts, scraps, emails, hand-outs) and then scrap photos that I really love. I don't feel as if I have to scrap EVERYTHING the boys do, which I would previously attempt. I say attempt, because I have very few pages completed due to being overwhelmed by the process.

I have always wanted to save the boys' valentines, but just couldn't get a "photo" that would go with all the valentines. I then put them all in an envelope once, but that was unsuccessful. This year, i had the BOYS pick out the Valentines they wanted to keep and put them in trading card pages. They loved it! The one I am holding up is Sam's and then there's Jack's page. You will not find any "girly" valentines (princess, puppies or kitties)...we kept the candy, but NOT the valentine. I got all the "girly" stickers...lucky me!

another example of what I have kept...our Oscar ballots from Oscar night. I must share that i beat the movie mongol (aka Jason.) I predicted 17 correctly and Jason predicted 11 correctly. Girl Power!

I've been asked if I will get an entire year in one album.  If I keep up the pace that I have going at this time, then I will not get it all into one will definitely be at least two albums.

I do not do the pages every week.  For January, i collected items for the month and put the pages together one weekend.  February has been different.  I keep items in an envelope and then put the page together as I have time. That is basically how i scrap and create...whenever I have a little time...and at night.

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