Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home Show...

Last Saturday we went to the Home Show in Des Monies. It was the first time for all of us...WOW...what a place!

This is Sam looking down at all the booths...at this point he isn't too thrilled...looks like a lot of home stuff to just look at.

The highlight of the day was when we stopped at the Woodharbor booth. They were the ones who remodeled our kitchen for us.When we walked up, jack got so excited...he had spotted this banner - of OUR KITCHEN! Yes, their "ad" was a shot of our kitchen. We then spotted the exact same picture on the brochures they were handing out...of our kitchen!! When I was taking this picture, a lady walked by and said, "Wouldn't you like to have that as your kitchen!?" I wanted to turn to her and say, "IT IS MINE!" But i thought that would be rude, so Jack said it instead...actually, he didn't, no one said anything, but we had HUGE grins on our faces!
If you want to see more pictures of our kitchen, click here!

We are always on the look out for ants for my sister, who the boys refer to as "Aunt." We came across this one..the largest ant we have seen for aunt! So was the price!

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