Friday, January 7, 2011

Just a Little Note to Explain...

This is pretty funny story.
I shared with you my cookie exchange disaster in making mint chocolate chip cookies here.
Well, my dear friend, Janet, froze all of her cookies after the cookie exchange,  knowing that her daughter would be home for Christmas and lots of kids hanging around the house...lots of hunger, needing a snack kids. The other day, she brought out the cookies for the kiddos to enjoy. Here daughter asked her, "What are those green ones?" Pointing, much to my amazement (not really) to my mint chocolate chip cookies. Janet kindly explained to her daughter that the cookies were good, but that they didn't turn out exactly how Katie was hoping. Janet then went on her way...
When she came back to the kitchen, her daughter had left this note beside MY cookies!
If you can't read it, it states:
"The green cookies are mint choc. chip."

I have several thoughts about this.
1. I find it pretty funny, it does sum up my experience with cooking mint choc. chip cookies.
2. A bit mortified that she would have to explain my cookies to hungry 19 year olds that will eat about anything.
3. Janet told me there was only one left...that means out of that entire platter, there were only three brave, hungry, eat anything kids that tried them out.
4. Maybe only one hungry person ate all three cookies.
5. If everyone really thinks they are so good, why hasn't anyone asked for the recipe? :)

You got to love it when your cooking sparks conversation after conversation....


  1. lol I love this! I need to post this on FB if ok with you!!! lol

  2. If it makes you feel better Katie, mint choco chip would NEVER go un-eaten at my house. :)

