Monday, January 31, 2011

An Eventful Saturday...

Saturday was one of those days that everything kept happening each time I turned around...

The weather was so nice (35 degrees) that the boys decided to head outside. They were out there for about 2 hours and then our doorbell rang...

First, a little background...the boys would be outside playing and come to the front door and ring the doorbell CONSTANTLY...for absolutely nothing..."Look I have snow on my head...Look, I have snow on my gloves...Look, My cheeks are a little red..." So I made the rule they cannot ring the front doorbell unless someone is hurt, sick or bleeding.

 So, back to the story...the doorbell rings (this better be good!) and Sam is standing there with his cheek and chin all skinned up.
He and Jack were sledding down a hill by our driveway.  (since it has been warm, the snow is all gone on the driveway.)  Sam headed down the hill (face first...pretty smart) and hits his chin on the cement...which hurts, so he turns his head and scrapes his cheek.
Nothing a band-aid can't help.  But i can't help but wonder that when he hit his chin, why didn't he bring up his head instead of turning his cheek??

And then at dinner....

Background...I cannot stand loose teeth.  Thank goodness Jason is willing to deal with lose teeth and pulling teeth, because that is one (of many) things that I just cannot stomach. Something about pulling out a tooth along with some gum just about makes my stomach reverse...or even worse...the statement.. "The only thing that is keeping that tooth in is a little thread!" 

So anyway...we are at dinner. Jack's tooth has been lose for weeks and he is just working it at the table...sitting right beside me.  Jas looks over and says, "OH JEEPERS JACK...That thing is just hanging there!"
In which Jack replies, "I know...I am breaking those little threads one by one so it will come out!"  I look at Jason with pure terror in my which he knows what I am thinking and he proceeds to giggle...

So  I look the other way, trying to picture a clam blue ocean in my head....when I really want to run into the other room and put a pillow over my head and hum so i can't hear the conversation...but that wouldn't be very adult like...or mature...

Jack decides to check his lose "threads" in the bathroom mirror...and Jason follows..thank goodness!  That leaves Sam and I at the table...and just like in pure Sam fashion, "Oh you think he will be alright?  Do you think it will hurt him?  Do you think he will cry?  Do you think he will bleed?"  I looked at him and stated, "With this one Sam, you are really going to have to ask your dad because I don't do teeth."  He looked at me like I had just dropped him off at the corner and told him to find his way home! I just smiled a bit and shrugged and said, "Sorry." 

So amazingly, Sam went to the bathroom...with the other men of the house....and soon Jack came out...

Ta Da!!  Jack  showing of his little tooth...yea!!
He opened his mouth and ugh...blood!!!
But, I can handle that little bit of blood..."Here suck on this napkin," I advise him!!

and when it was all over, Jack has lost his first tooth and has a nice space...which is perfect for fitting a straw into and drinking his root beer!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, my goodness! I am just catching up on your blog. You know, I can't handle loose teeth either, Katie! I was the same way you are. Luckily, we sent B to the dentist to have several of hers pulled because her teeth were all jumbled up at the time. I was happy to pay $80 each time so I didn't have to see that dangling tooth! lol

