Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree Clumps...

The tree is up and decorated. This year both boys helped me out...that was interesting. In past years, when the boys would put the ornaments on, I could easily move the ornament to a more "proper" spot and the young sons wouldn't even notice...not this year!

All the Elmos were clumped by the snowman with care...

Dr. Seuss characters where hung not far from each other...

An entire monkey family emerged onto the tree...

And Sam topped it off with having ALL the Vikings ornaments together.
I did try several times to disperse them around the tree, but the boys INSISTED that they stay together...they NEEDED to stay together! So I gave up. Now I have a clumped ornament Christmas tree...and I am accepting it.


  1. It just looks perfect, love it! What an exciting time of year!!


