Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat...

Another successful Halloween in the bag...we headed back to our old neighborhood for trick or treating and the boys had a ball. Both were determined to trick or treat for the FULL two hours. Thank goodness it was an awesome night!

Jack was Einstein and "pondering" an idea...Sam was Jengo Fett, a Star Wars character (it is the 4th Star Wars character in a row!)

Happy Einstein (you know...Einstein doesn't smile much!)

Jengo Fett, a bounty hunter, taking in our large pumpkin.

Einstein trying so hard to make the two hours...needed a little help from dad.
We then headed to our house for a bon-fire. The adults hung out around the fire while the kids ran around the yard having light saber fights. It was a perfect Halloween night...until Jack got sick on Sunday....

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