Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Miss me?

Why haven't I blogged lately?
Many of my feisty readers have inquired!

1.  I was on Oprah's Favorite things show...twice.
2.  I tried out for Brent...I mean Brett Favre's position...they way he looked on Sunday, I think I may stand a chance!
3.  Finished my x-mas shopping...it is all wrapped and put under the tree.
4.  If I don't get Favres's position, I may try for Childress's coaching job...
5.  Cleaning up deer carcass from our backyard where our neighbor bowed a buck...
6.  None of the above...

Well, all are somewhat true...
1.  I WATCHED Oprahs' Favorite things show...twice...
2.  Went to the Vikes game on Sunday and said, "I could do better then Favre!"
3.  made a x-mas LISTof things I needed to do...
4.  Repeat answer number 2...
5.  Our neighbor did bow a deer in our ravine, but the wild animals have taken care of the carcass insides that where left behind after the gutting...(Jason felt so American after helping out!)

So, I am back on schedule tomorrow...thanks for checking and will see you tomorrow!

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